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by Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

The Natural History Museum's fish collection is one of the ten internationally recognized ichthyological collections in the United States. The collection contains about three million catalogued specimens, including representatives from over 450 families including jawless fishes, sharks and rays, coelacanths, sturgeons, viperfishes, lanternfishes, gulper eels, flyingfishes, icefishes, and anglerfishes.

The geographic emphasis is the Pacific Rim, with particular strengths in fishes from the Eastern Pacific, Galapagos,  Hawaiian, and Philippine Islands, the Antarctic, and the freshwaters of North, Central, and South America.

We interact with fishing enthusiasts and taxonomists and reach out to local colleges, giving tours, and mentoring student interns in their research.

Support the Ichthyology Department by making a donation to the Museum Fund today!


$5,000 GOAL

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has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.